I just finished watching the Saving Grace season finale on TNT. I would like to preface this blog with this thought; I find the premise of this show absolutely ridiculous and let me explain. If you are unfamiliar, Grace, played by Holly Hunter, is a police officer in Oklahoma City. She was raised in a strict catholic household and questions her faith in God. In fact, she's pretty blunt and open with her lack of faith. This is most likely why I relate.
Anyway, even though she doubts the Lord, she has been given this "last chance angel" named Earl. Earl is not what you picture when you think of an angel. He has long hair, a testy attitude, and wears jeans and t-shirts. He has tried for two seasons now to help Grace come back to God. He gives her opportunties to save other people. Last season, it was a death row inmate and this season, a meth addicted stripper. Stange, I know. I wonder what drugs the writers are on but I digress.
This season just ended with Neely, the meth addicted stripper, trying to make God prove His love for her by saving her as she jumps off a twelve story building. While I can understand the need to have evidentiary proof of God's existence and His love, I think this seems a little silly. Neely says "If God loves me, He will save me after I jump from this building". Grace runs to catch her and they both fall the ground. All Grace's friends rush over to find her and Neely have landed safely and indeed survived the fall. This is when Neely annouces that they both have an angel. And...scene.
Now I will get to my point. I understand how difficult it can be to have faith in someone or something that you cannot see, or hear, or touch, or talk to and receive a typical answer from. I walked away from God when I felt He wasn't there for me. Years later, seeing the error of my ways, I realize that He was with me even when I didn't want Him to be. I take great comfort in knowing that God loves me. That He made me the way I am and that He does not give me more than I can handle. And He walks with me daily to help me through my struggles.
Much like Grace on the tv show, if God can love and stay with me when I doubted Him, I am overwhelmed by how much love He must have for all of us. I was told once that a mother's love is the closest thing to God's love. Knowing how much I love Savannah, and knowing that my love for her is still no comparison, I am amazed and grateful.
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